
Saturday, 10 June 2017

Dimensional Barrier, some card that does stop everything ......Literally?

Warning: Most of points in this article are subjective, and bound to be debated in the comments below, please stay as civilized as possible.

Level of Creep:

This card came out long ago from the pack  Invasion: Vengeance, (Invasion of Venom) in the OCG, it's a Normal Trap Card whose effect reads as the following "Declare 1 monster card type (Ritual, Fusion, Synchro, Xyz, or Pendulum); for the rest of this turn, neither player can Special Summon monsters of the declared type, also negate the effects of all monsters of that type while they are on the field. You can only activate 1 "Dimensional Barrier" per turn."So, it's literally a card that can be literally used in any deck, and potentially shut any deck down with the exception of Link or Custom Mechanics that people might think of making. Lot of rumors about this card's getting reprinted to feature Link monsters, and other rumours about this card's being just a side deck card because it cannot stop Link Monsters, Now, none of these predictions nor rumors are 100% true.

I The Floodgate fact Issue:
Now, let's face it, Link Format or not, this card is still powerful, at least for those who don't want to use Link Decks, Tribute Summon Decks, or anything that does not rely on any of the mechanics listed in the card's lore. The main problem with Most of the floodgates that are either activated during your opponent's turn, or your turn if it's set, and to be honest, this card's issue is an easy cheesy card with no cost at all. Yes, i can understand the pain from Vanity's Emptiness where you are not allowed to Special Summon, but it was a continuous Trap card, unlike Continuous Trap Cards, Normal Trap Cards still resolve even if they are destroyed by Mystical Space Typhoon, another issue is when your opponent targets this card with twin twisters, you can just take them out by calling any of the listed mechanics in the card text, and that's it, your opponent can't do anything in their turn. And to be honest, this card is near-impossible hard to get around, especially when you're facing an OTK Deck, or a competitive opponent,namely when they start first. Most lock down options around this card when your opponent Special Summons Artifact Scythe and literally stops you from doing anything, i mean, yes, your friends say, "Nah, it's just a turn, you can get around it in your next turn, just set a monster"... This logic does not even work, and even if you Set a monster face-down, there's a high chance that your opponent will strike you anyways, and if either player is lucky, opponent can flip another copy of this card on you, making you lose another turn and so on, OR you run out of resources due to the massive loss in the turn you had this card flipped on you, and you brick..

II Second-Hand Mechanics:
"Second-Hand Mechanics" is a Mechanic a deck uses which is not its main Summoning Mechanic (e.g Nekroz is a Ritual Deck in core, and uses Xyz as a second hand), despite playing a game with mixed Summoning Mechanics and toolboxes it doesn't make your Deck any stronger than its built-in mechanic, if you instant fusion a Tuner in a Synchro Deck, and your opponent flips this card on you, your Instant Fusion goes in a waste unless you desperately try to Xyz Summon something....A Pendulum-Centered Deck for an example, suppose that your opponent flips this card on them, they got shut down, yes you still can Normal Summon/Set them, however, they have no monster effects, and if you get something to speed your deck up, you might survive this card. Not to mention that some Decks are still 1 Mechanic reliant and cannot afford using anything else, and they are more likely to be severely ravaged by this card.

III Possible Countrers:
Not much to say here to be frank, not much to be done about it, the easiest way to aviod it, is to use any deck that cannot be harmed by this card, use stuff like Jinzo, Royal Decree, or Trap Stun to counter it, Being a traget of Night beam or Fire Formation - Gyokkou,...

Dimensional Barrier, some card that does stop everything ......Literally

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