
Tuesday, 15 August 2017

What Konami Should/Could have done up to now.

Warning: Most of points in this article are subjective, and bound to be debated in the comments below, please stay as civilized as possible.

Meh, this is another like, "Why Konami" post, we're looking at the most weird and unexpected things that Konami has actually done at this point to this game's current meta, much to most people's dismay some of these changes stayed memorable up to now, without further ado, let's get into it, also please note this is going to have the shapesnatch of Top 10 List.

  • 10 = Oh man, Pendulum Talk, this doesn't sound good at all.... Anyways, here goes nothing: Since New Master Rules or rather Master Rules 4/ Link Format started taking an effect, the  new placement of Pendulum Zones decision was quite uncalled for, mostly because either way, you would have Pendulum Summoned from the extra deck into the Extra Monster zones anyways, except this is going to limit the number of the backrows and floodgates you set if you place 2 scales set.
  • 9 = While we're at Pendulum talk, Destruction for a cost....I still don't see why can't we have such a cost up to now while Konami could simply made it to replace Sending to the Graveyard for a cost, we do have return to the hand, shuffle into the deck, send to the Graveyard, and banish for a cost, why can't we have that... On another note, since we don't know what Konami intends to, "do not make game designs that the game has been actively trying to avoid" is merely assumptions..... Don't believe that please, that's just bias.
  • 8= Still Pendulum Talk!!!!!! YES, we still do have a lot to say about em!!!! Ritual Pendulums, Yes, those are hated the most and people are the most biased to, I suppose that Ritual Pendulums can be Special Summoned from the Extra Deck Normally like from the Graveyard, much like Fusion/Synchro/Xyz, unless they're NOMI...The issue is why Konami never bothered to print those while they could, even if it's not related to Arc-V of any sort, sure, Arc-V was suppoedly about Extra Deck Monsters shennanigans, Konami should consider the existence of Rituals, and Ritual Pendulums, because right now, it seems like they're biased to the Ritual mechanic itself.
  • 7= Lack of Ritual Archetypes, boi, while we have Nekroz, Black Luster Soldier, Vendread, and Gishki, Rituals has the least Working archetypes among these 4, and even in the Link Format, Rituals still does not get the attention they need, Konami should have introduced something else with Vandread.
  • 6 = Darkness Approaches, The card that no one cared about...... Yes,  the one whose text was "Discard 2 cards from your hand. Select 1 face-up monster and flip it face-down, but do not change its battle position." and it became a worse Book of Moon "Discard 2 cards from your hand. Select 1 face-up monster and change it to face-down Defense Position." Seriously, when this card was first released, nobody gave single fucks about it, when they "errated" it from the card database, people started being so hypocrite about it and boost their irrational things about it, such as "Yeah, Good job Konami", "face-down attack doesn't exist anymore", while people are praising Konami for this, this is just a lazy attempt to edit another card that didn't matter just because they're too lazy to make better rulings for Link monsters, i can understand that they did not want to include a card that no one plays in the new set, much like the edits of "Gale Dogra" and "Cyber Stein" having "Fusion Deck" changed to "Extra Deck" since Synchro came out, however, could have mentioned something like "Discard 2 cards from your hand. Select 1 face-up non-link monster and flip it face-down, but do not change its battle position." for an easy ruling, but instead, they went down to the laziest route and boosted people's bias.
  • 5= Destruction cost, Yes it exists, however, anime/manga, Konami could have simply done it because think of it, Sending to the Graveyard for a cost doesn't trigger Shaddolls, So, destroying cards for a cost wouldn't trigger Yang Zings, and There's literally every mechanic that Bounces , banishes, spin to the deck, and even Sending to the Graveyard as a cost matters, i don't see why can't destruction for a cost exist ? I don't think it will cause Ruling de-synchronizing with the other cards, just take your time and think of the interactions that won't happen, just like Zoodiac barrage won't trigger if you destroy it as a cost..... Just something to consider.
  • 4 = Cyberses Cyberses, Now , i don't care about these guys, but they're on the same page with my dear custom Archetype Magnificent VINE in terms of hand consuming, now, Cyberses aren't doing this much lately, especially with the new card, i mean, not all hand discard will help a Cyberse Deck, Konami could have introduced more to Properly push the Cyberse-Type.
  • 3 =Since Link Summoning came out, the leaks have been really slow, seriously, why do the Attribute Guys such as Milus Radiant, starboy.. have their Link forms coming so damn slow? Konami could have simply made the rest in just one pack, just to consider the other decks that actually need Link Summoning to survive.
  • 2=Inclusion Erratas, Now, like the Darkness Approaches point, we come at the point that Instead we wait for Konami to make an anti-mechanic after like 2 years, like they had 2 possible options, waiting for another mechanic to come, or simply include that mechanic in the card. I know that It's not their habit to do that, but Since Necrovalley starts to include cards that move themselves from the Graveyard due to its recent errata for some reason, i don't see why they don't include Link monsters to Dimensional Barrier, This is not rooting for the floodgates, but think of it this way, Konami does do erratas from time to time,even it was a minor errata, i mean, Gale Dogra had it, Cyber Stein, Darkness Apporaches, Collapsing Grounds... Why not Dim Barrier? The card already has a hate to Rituals, Fusions, Synchro, Xyz, and Pendulums, so, why doesn't it ... Wouldn't it hate on Links as well?
  • 1= Finally, Link Summoning......I've been waiting for this to talk about it, i don't hate the Mechanic, and i'm not obsessed with it either, but what i hate about the mechanic, was the way Konami decided to introduce it, shove it down into your throat, yeah, something like this meme

  • This is literally what Konami did in a nutshell, and i know people will say "no, it was needed", "no it's not forced, it's just you salty", and all of that dellusional dumb charade....Think of it, You can Use Fusion, but you decide not to, You can Use Synchro, but you decide not to, You can Use Xyz, but you decide not to, You can Use Pendulum, but you decide not to, however, you do have to use Links, epscially in decks that used to spam tons of stuff from the Extra Deck in Master Rules 3, or decks that need more than monster from the extra Deck, it might be needed to slow the pace of the game, however, they could have made the link markers matter, and for those who wish not to play use links could use their decks normally, right now, you either use Links to spam monsters, use non-extra deck builds, or 1 bossed deck, like y'know, Zoodiaccccccccc!
That's all guys, hope you like this article, and if you disagree with these, post it in the comments box down below, thanks for reading, and have a nice day. 

Sunday, 16 July 2017

Antics Rant: Pendulums in New Master Rules"Link Rules".

Warning: Most of points in this article are subjective, and bound to be debated in the comments below, please stay as civilized as possible.
Oh boy, some post this is....After 3 Years, when Pendulums made their way to invade our Yu-Gi-Oh! Life, to, you know, "Break The god damn game". Now Links are chewing our brain cells to make things around it since New Master rules came out, HOWEVER, some Decks that are Extra Deck cards/Cards that rely on Extra Decks have been "Nerfed". But that's not the reason i'm making this god damn post, i'm making this post because of the blown out proportions of Pendulums and reduced "Hand-Only cards"......After thinking, i have a bad feeling about it, but fuck it, if i don't vent it now, i'll never ever vent it again, God, here comes the real pain...

What Happened to Pendulums?

You wanna know what happened to Pendulums during this era? Well, their scales are moved to the Regular Spell/Trap Zone (which is unecessary) , the worst part is, the amount of monsters You would Pendulum Summon from your Extra Deck has been reduced for the best average number 3 if you have few Links, or just 1 if you're not using Links or whatsoever, which honestly smacks most of Pendulum decks that are so reliant on Extra Deck to spam, such as Igknights, and for the fact that Rescue Hamster is so damn useless because  KONAMI Tried to balance something they didn't account for when this format came out. The sad part that you either do setups or do a dumb move and spam your hand just for the sake of it and miss your chance to play properly....

What's wrong with Pendulum Summoning from hand?

Nothing, except it's getting cliché as the time flies, LITERALLY, mostly to shut people down, Every Yugituber says the same exact thing such as "You still can pendulum summon from your hand, y'know" mainstream statement that got me sick and motivated me even more to make this god damn post you are reading... This statement even reduces Pendulums to 1 StereoType, which isn't right, even when you're trying to prove someone that Pendulums aren't actually dead, but some decks are dead:
  1. Not all decks are /have the same playstyle, if Dinomist, Peroformapal or  Magician got a stale gamestyle, decks like igknights do really have a different playstyle, or so does any other Pendulum like it.
  2. Well, you can't always draw constant 7 Pendulum cards in your hand all of the times out of the blue. (even with searches).
  3. Some Pendulum Decks need Extra Deck interaction for an intial Setup.


That's just it.

Saturday, 15 July 2017

Why does Gale Dogra Suck?

Warning: Most of points in this article are subjective, and bound to be debated in the comments below, please stay as civilized as possible.

Level of Creep:
We're talking about one of the most underrated card in the game, it was initially introduced to OCG in Booster 6 in 1999-12-01, and reprinted in Tournament Pack 2007 Vol.4 in 2008-01-01, then introduced to the TCG in Absolute Powerforce in 2010-02-12. The concept behind this card is to Mill your Extra Deck for 3000 LP, such costs do not matter in nowadays metagames anymore. The effect reads the following:You can pay 3000 Life Points to send 1 monster from your Extra Deck to the Graveyard. This card has the most overpowered effect, and almost the only card that acts like Foolish burial for Extra Deck.

Why is this card unused?

Mostly because people are rather unwilling to pay LP costs, it's understandable that the fact that LP costs mattered when this card was released, but in nowadays' meta, there are ways to compestate the loss of your paid LP to use its effect, Ritual monsters can take advantage of this card easily by sending Herald of Arc Light to the Graveyard, another issue is for the fact that games can be easily ended by your opponent by attaking it using Number S39 Utopia the Lightning, as its ATK is only 650.

Possible counters.

To use this card to the Maximum, Set up the Temple of Kings engine, use DNA Surgery, and declare Psychic, this becomes Psychic-Type, then equip it with Telekinetic Charging Cell to make this effect entirely free, and dump as many monsters from your Extra Deck for Free! Another way to get around the 3000 LP Cost, which is setting up an OTK Turn if you fulfill all the needed conditions, dump two Hearld of Arc Lights, then Ritual Summon any Ritual Monster that has major advantage and potential to cause OTK, and swing for the game.


This card can be broken, if you want it to be.

Friday, 14 July 2017

Fairy Tales of NAS (Rant post)

Warning: Most of points in this article are subjective, and bound to be debated in the comments below, please stay as civilized as possible.

Once upon a time, there was a company called "Nihon Ad System", they used to be good people, they stroke Dueling network, YGOPRO games, and bunch of Yugitubers for the clause of "Why not? We own the damn franchise, we can"

Dear Nihon Ad Systems....

Why the hell are you even doing this NAS? why do you want the fandom to die? Yu-Gi-Oh! is only famous because of the fandom, that's right, the fandom who loved the franchise for generations, they contributed a lot so you can keep up the good work, and this is all you reward us? Killing our contributions like squashing insect with your damn shiny shoes?
How long will you ever keep continuing this fandom Genocide just because they use content for fair use? For the record:
In its most general sense, a fair use is any copying of copyrighted material done for a limited and “transformative” purpose, such as to comment upon, criticize, or parody a copyrighted work. Such uses can be done without permission from the copyright owner.
We know you've hit LittleKuriboh's parodies bunch of times, You hit dueling network and enjoying tormenting them (God, if only newbs didn't exist, i would play it more), now you're killing streaming sites, and bunch of Yugitubers... Just Why?

We understand that you own all imagery and sounds and all the things you've done for the anime, but let us fans promote your shit by talking good about your animes, the card game itself, we're not profiting or anything, we don't own anything made by you, just let the fandom breath, don't suffocate it with the copyright plastic bag, it's unhealthy for you guys, it makes us hate your franchise even more, Please, NAS, reconsider your options about this, and maybe we can work it out.
Sincerely, Your best friend...

Friday, 16 June 2017

Everything Wrong with Yusei Fudo

Warning: Most of points in this article are subjective, and bound to be debated in the comments below, please stay as civilized as possible.

Another Warning: This Discussion Article will contain Spoilers, if you are intrested to be spoiled, you can read it, and ruin your own own fun.

A Third warning: This article is rather using the original names, not dub's.

So, like, i don't really hate the character or anything, in fact, i like him, like any other 5D'S character, however, i've seen lot of complaints and weird things about this character, these complaints will follow:
  • Mary Sue
  • Sexuality
  • The Boring Personality
  • Lack of Character development
Now, we're going to discuss these points one each.
  1. Mary Sue: Now, nobody likes this type of character for sure, especially for a protagonist who keeps winning, i can relate to this, somehow, however, he has lost to Jack Atlas in a flash back, also, lost to Jack Atlas And Aki Izayoi in manga, unlike his Manga counterpart, Yusei didn't have enough losses record as much as Yugi, Judai, Yuma, and Yuya (and hopefully Yusaku), on the other hand, the problem with Yusei was the duels he was involved in, was more likely of "Win or Die" scenario, or "Stake" duels, which isn't good, so,i more likely blame the writers for that, more likely because they thought that every epsiode of risking something would be cool, but instead, they created a near-invincible character, i mean, Yusei would be a lot cooler if he lost few duels here and there, so, to be honest, i can totally relate to this issue.
  2. Sexuality: Due to the fact that he's being rivaled by Jack Atlas, Yusei seems to have the most Gay Ships , even more than the ships he was intended to be with, Aki Izayoi, now, i'm not totally against, that, but  since it's Yu-Gi-Oh!, mating is really a rare occasion, and it happens indirectly, so, use your imagination!
  3. The Boring personality:Well, I wouldn't say Yusei is boring just because he doesn't laugh very often, and this Protagonist personality is becoming a trend since Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS, It's only him being worried about the future of the commons, the people he lives with, the future of the  world, friends, bystanders. You can't always expect an overly Cheered protagonist like Yuya/Judai/Yuma repeatedly.
  4. Lack of Character development: I can relate to the fact that Yusei is the most underdeveloped character, that is mostly because of the first issue i stated above, However, he had a minor development over the series, especially in the final arc.
So, don't always judge a character through the anime, try to think from the Writer's standpoint, and you'll know what i mean.
Have a good time, peace.

Saturday, 10 June 2017

Dimensional Barrier, some card that does stop everything ......Literally?

Warning: Most of points in this article are subjective, and bound to be debated in the comments below, please stay as civilized as possible.

Level of Creep:

This card came out long ago from the pack  Invasion: Vengeance, (Invasion of Venom) in the OCG, it's a Normal Trap Card whose effect reads as the following "Declare 1 monster card type (Ritual, Fusion, Synchro, Xyz, or Pendulum); for the rest of this turn, neither player can Special Summon monsters of the declared type, also negate the effects of all monsters of that type while they are on the field. You can only activate 1 "Dimensional Barrier" per turn."So, it's literally a card that can be literally used in any deck, and potentially shut any deck down with the exception of Link or Custom Mechanics that people might think of making. Lot of rumors about this card's getting reprinted to feature Link monsters, and other rumours about this card's being just a side deck card because it cannot stop Link Monsters, Now, none of these predictions nor rumors are 100% true.

I The Floodgate fact Issue:
Now, let's face it, Link Format or not, this card is still powerful, at least for those who don't want to use Link Decks, Tribute Summon Decks, or anything that does not rely on any of the mechanics listed in the card's lore. The main problem with Most of the floodgates that are either activated during your opponent's turn, or your turn if it's set, and to be honest, this card's issue is an easy cheesy card with no cost at all. Yes, i can understand the pain from Vanity's Emptiness where you are not allowed to Special Summon, but it was a continuous Trap card, unlike Continuous Trap Cards, Normal Trap Cards still resolve even if they are destroyed by Mystical Space Typhoon, another issue is when your opponent targets this card with twin twisters, you can just take them out by calling any of the listed mechanics in the card text, and that's it, your opponent can't do anything in their turn. And to be honest, this card is near-impossible hard to get around, especially when you're facing an OTK Deck, or a competitive opponent,namely when they start first. Most lock down options around this card when your opponent Special Summons Artifact Scythe and literally stops you from doing anything, i mean, yes, your friends say, "Nah, it's just a turn, you can get around it in your next turn, just set a monster"... This logic does not even work, and even if you Set a monster face-down, there's a high chance that your opponent will strike you anyways, and if either player is lucky, opponent can flip another copy of this card on you, making you lose another turn and so on, OR you run out of resources due to the massive loss in the turn you had this card flipped on you, and you brick..

II Second-Hand Mechanics:
"Second-Hand Mechanics" is a Mechanic a deck uses which is not its main Summoning Mechanic (e.g Nekroz is a Ritual Deck in core, and uses Xyz as a second hand), despite playing a game with mixed Summoning Mechanics and toolboxes it doesn't make your Deck any stronger than its built-in mechanic, if you instant fusion a Tuner in a Synchro Deck, and your opponent flips this card on you, your Instant Fusion goes in a waste unless you desperately try to Xyz Summon something....A Pendulum-Centered Deck for an example, suppose that your opponent flips this card on them, they got shut down, yes you still can Normal Summon/Set them, however, they have no monster effects, and if you get something to speed your deck up, you might survive this card. Not to mention that some Decks are still 1 Mechanic reliant and cannot afford using anything else, and they are more likely to be severely ravaged by this card.

III Possible Countrers:
Not much to say here to be frank, not much to be done about it, the easiest way to aviod it, is to use any deck that cannot be harmed by this card, use stuff like Jinzo, Royal Decree, or Trap Stun to counter it, Being a traget of Night beam or Fire Formation - Gyokkou,...

Dimensional Barrier, some card that does stop everything ......Literally

Friday, 31 March 2017

Yu-Gi-Oh! Arc-V

Warning: Most of points in this article are subjective, and bound to be debated in the comments below, please stay as civilized as possible.

Another Warning: This Review Article will contain Spoilers, if you are intrested to be spoiled, you can read it, and ruin your own own fun.

A Third warning: This article is rather using the original names, not dub's.

Yu-Gi-Oh! Arc-V is an anime debuted on April 6, 2014,and ended on March 26, 2017, directed by Katsumi Ono, the anime series attempted to unite all aspects of other anime series and surpassed the audience's expectations to become 'another ZEXAL', that includes.
Fusion Summon: Yu-Gi-Oh!/Yu-Gi-Oh! GX
Synchro Summon:Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's
Xyz Summon: 
Pendulum Summon: Yu-Gi-Oh! Arc-V
As for RItual Summon, as much as like it, but it's only showed once on-screen.



In a city called "Miami Paradise", a Young boy called "Yuya Sakaki" who aims at becoming a pro duelist despite the obstacles he has, and he keeps escaping the harsh reality that he keeps getting bullied because of his father disappearance, however, when he created the Pendulum Monsters, things have turned upside down, and changed the course of the characters' lives after revealing that he was part of Zarc along side his counerparts: Yuto, Yugo, Yuri, while Yuzu Hiragi's are Rin, Serena, and Ruri to form Ray, eventually, he reached his goal after the interdimensional war has been terminated, and Zarc's Soul has been purified.

Art Style (8/10)

I'm not really familar with happy and colorful art style, but i won't judge it very much because it's not actually bad at all, and it's rather better than some other animes i've ever seen, however, it's all about budget business attoted to the animators.

Main Cast (7/10)

Initially, the main Cast (Yuya, Yuzu, Noburu Gongenzaka, Shingo Sawatari,  Reiji Akaba,  Sora Shiunin, and  Shun Kurosaki) are introduced one by one, (except the first trio) . 
  • Yuya Sakkaki, i'm honestly not in favor to his personality, but i'll give him credit for the fact he can be funny at times, and his character development.
  • Yuzu Hiragi, At first galance, i thought she would be another Kotori, a (never-dueling-old-friend) however, since episode 29, Yuzu turned up to be an athletic duelist, with a good amount of determination, that lasted until Episode 47,where she ran away from Yuri, knowing that she would be no match for him , the character rises again in her duel with Chojiro Tokumatsu, but she quit dueling when she lost to Sergey Volkov, and stepped out of the show by being a heroine in distress or "Yu-Gi-Oh! Princess Peach", as she was able to hit Jean Michael roger causing him to go comatose, she was unable to defend herself from Serena while she had the chance, i partially blame the staff for not giving her more screen time, but still, the character design ended up a garbage.
  • Noburu Gongenzaka: Similar to Yuzu in terms of character development, except he dueled more than her, and he's the most mature character among any other main cast character, the character design was sabotaged to become a "Plot Scapegoat" since heartland arc, stalls for time for Yuya to come and loses, then he made a comeback in the Final Duel Academy Arc after the standard Dimension becoming Pendulum Dimension.
  • Shingo Sawatari The only character that remained nearly the same since the show began, I personally was disappointed for not him having won duels on his own, as much as i like the character, also I partially blame the staff for not giving him more screen time.
  • Reiji Akaba: The typical calm Seto kaiba counterpart, the first character that breaks the Dragon-Type ace trend, by having a Fiend-Type ace instead, However, i really don't like his character design, i mean, i do like mature character, but not to an extent that he's overly calm (outbursted in few occasions), similar to shingo, there's nothing else for me to talk about.
  • Sora Shiunin: In the first galance, i hated this character, knowing it's "an annoying child", until Yuto first appeared, he revealed his true nature for the rest of the arc until the midway of Synchro arc, to form an alliance with the lancers, However, up to episode 124, he merely became another "plot scapegoat" like the rest of the characters.
  •  Shun Kurosaki:Initially, he appeared as the most badass character, that lasted until the final synchro dimension arc, i mean, he initially went for a quest to save his sister Ruri, who he never met ever again, even after purifying Zarc, not only he became a "plot scapegoat", but also he was smiling while his best friend and his sister are dead (not literally, but they no longer have a body).

Plot (5/10)

The show started a promising start, with an interesting, until the midway and the end of the show, especially when they started "Yu-Gi-Oh! The Dark Side of dimensions" movie the plot drastically went downhill as the series progressed since the arc of Synchro Dimension, unlike the other spin offs, this has a very unique plot of its own, as it started giving each character its own value, but they lost their value for the sake of the plot, since it left loopholes, unsolved quests/issues, unknown fate of some characters.The four dimensions concept is a cool idea, especially when it refers to the old series themselves.


  • The show has unqiue character base, also, it has broken the trend of other series such as in character development, the cast focus, unlike focusing on the main character for the most part, the other charactcers have their own part of the show.
  • The dimension Concept is pretty unique, and outstanding, it also gives the nostalgia feelings,and it shows you each of the previous era that has actually evolved (or destroyed in Heartland's case), also, the Yu Boys and Yu Girls are a direct reference to the other animes.
  • Like Yu-Gi-Oh! GX and Bonds Beyond Time movie, Several Legacy Characters have appeared, making the show even more enjoyable and nostalgic, as well with the interaction between the Arc-V main cast and the legacy characters is just amazing.
  • The Plot Twist when Yuya protagonist is turned to be the Antagonist Zarc is outstanding, to think that you are trying so hard to fight evil, and you find out you're the evil one yourself is just fantastic.
  • I give this credit for making the final duel amazing.


  • Characters Interaction(s) is terrible at times, for example some good characters interact well with the main cast, then, they are past history.
  • Some legacy Characters are just trashed, such as Kaito Tenjo, Asuka Tenjouin, Edo Phoenix, they just came out as filler characters, serve their puropose, then they become scapegoats, i was expecting these charcters would make a huge difference and have more screentime than they had in GX, but alas to be filler characters.
  • Plot holes left, such as, how did Yuri became a good person? like he has been evil since the show started, then all of the sudden, be became like, we're with you Yuya, don't worry. How did his redemption happen?
  • Zarc and Ray, were the reason the story is based on, I expected Zarc to be strong and offensive, not a coward who gathers a great wall of china and claims to be strong, where's the old Zarc that we saw in the original dimension? As for Ray, She appeared once, and the Deck everyone was expecting, was never seen.
  • As usual, Female main characters end up heroines in distress, Yuzu is no exception.
  • Like the other animes, Ritual Summon is the least mechanic to get the attention it deserves, i mean, they could have re-invented them, and make them relevant again, but, no.
  • The ending is rushed, All the Yu Boys and Girls shipping everyone was anticipating never happened, as Yuzu came back, Yushou came, and challenged Yuya to a duel, and that's it, also Yuzu's revival doesn't make any sense.
Some things here could have been better, but, they rushed everything, especially when DSOD movie and The new Vrains Spin came out, however, it's still a good anime in the end of the day.

Tuesday, 3 January 2017