Meh, this is another like, "Why Konami" post, we're looking at the most weird and unexpected things that Konami has actually done at this point to this game's current meta, much to most people's dismay some of these changes stayed memorable up to now, without further ado, let's get into it, also please note this is going to have the shape
- 10 = Oh man, Pendulum Talk, this doesn't sound good at all.... Anyways, here goes nothing: Since New Master Rules or rather Master Rules 4/ Link Format started taking an effect, the new placement of Pendulum Zones decision was quite uncalled for, mostly because either way, you would have Pendulum Summoned from the extra deck into the Extra Monster zones anyways, except this is going to limit the number of the backrows and floodgates you set if you place 2 scales set.
- 9 = While we're at Pendulum talk, Destruction for a cost....I still don't see why can't we have such a cost up to now while Konami could simply made it to replace Sending to the Graveyard for a cost, we do have return to the hand, shuffle into the deck, send to the Graveyard, and banish for a cost, why can't we have that... On another note, since we don't know what Konami intends to, "do not make game designs that the game has been actively trying to avoid" is merely assumptions..... Don't believe that please, that's just bias.
- 8= Still Pendulum Talk!!!!!! YES, we still do have a lot to say about em!!!! Ritual Pendulums, Yes, those are hated the most and people are the most biased to, I suppose that Ritual Pendulums can be Special Summoned from the Extra Deck Normally like from the Graveyard, much like Fusion/Synchro/Xyz, unless they're NOMI...The issue is why Konami never bothered to print those while they could, even if it's not related to Arc-V of any sort, sure, Arc-V was suppoedly about Extra Deck Monsters shennanigans, Konami should consider the existence of Rituals, and Ritual Pendulums, because right now, it seems like they're biased to the Ritual mechanic itself.
- 7= Lack of Ritual Archetypes, boi, while we have Nekroz, Black Luster Soldier, Vendread, and Gishki, Rituals has the least Working archetypes among these 4, and even in the Link Format, Rituals still does not get the attention they need, Konami should have introduced something else with Vandread.
- 6 = Darkness Approaches, The card that no one cared about...... Yes, the one whose text was "Discard 2 cards from your hand. Select 1 face-up monster and flip it face-down, but do not change its battle position." and it became a worse Book of Moon "Discard 2 cards from your hand. Select 1 face-up monster and change it to face-down Defense Position." Seriously, when this card was first released, nobody gave single fucks about it, when they "errated" it from the card database, people started being so hypocrite about it and boost their irrational things about it, such as "Yeah, Good job Konami", "face-down attack doesn't exist anymore", while people are praising Konami for this, this is just a lazy attempt to edit another card that didn't matter just because they're too lazy to make better rulings for Link monsters, i can understand that they did not want to include a card that no one plays in the new set, much like the edits of "Gale Dogra" and "Cyber Stein" having "Fusion Deck" changed to "Extra Deck" since Synchro came out, however, could have mentioned something like "Discard 2 cards from your hand. Select 1 face-up non-link monster and flip it face-down, but do not change its battle position." for an easy ruling, but instead, they went down to the laziest route and boosted people's bias.
- 5= Destruction cost, Yes it exists, however, anime/manga, Konami could have simply done it because think of it, Sending to the Graveyard for a cost doesn't trigger Shaddolls, So, destroying cards for a cost wouldn't trigger Yang Zings, and There's literally every mechanic that Bounces , banishes, spin to the deck, and even Sending to the Graveyard as a cost matters, i don't see why can't destruction for a cost exist ? I don't think it will cause Ruling de-synchronizing with the other cards, just take your time and think of the interactions that won't happen, just like Zoodiac barrage won't trigger if you destroy it as a cost..... Just something to consider.
- 4 = Cyberses Cyberses, Now , i don't care about these guys, but they're on the same page with my dear custom Archetype Magnificent VINE in terms of hand consuming, now, Cyberses aren't doing this much lately, especially with the new card, i mean, not all hand discard will help a Cyberse Deck, Konami could have introduced more to Properly push the Cyberse-Type.
- 3 =Since Link Summoning came out, the leaks have been really slow, seriously, why do the Attribute Guys such as Milus Radiant, starboy.. have their Link forms coming so damn slow? Konami could have simply made the rest in just one pack, just to consider the other decks that actually need Link Summoning to survive.
- 2=Inclusion Erratas, Now, like the Darkness Approaches point, we come at the point that Instead we wait for Konami to make an anti-mechanic after like 2 years, like they had 2 possible options, waiting for another mechanic to come, or simply include that mechanic in the card. I know that It's not their habit to do that, but Since Necrovalley starts to include cards that move themselves from the Graveyard due to its recent errata for some reason, i don't see why they don't include Link monsters to Dimensional Barrier, This is not rooting for the floodgates, but think of it this way, Konami does do erratas from time to time,even it was a minor errata, i mean, Gale Dogra had it, Cyber Stein, Darkness Apporaches, Collapsing Grounds... Why not Dim Barrier? The card already has a hate to Rituals, Fusions, Synchro, Xyz, and Pendulums, so, why doesn't it ... Wouldn't it hate on Links as well?
- 1= Finally, Link Summoning......I've been waiting for this to talk about it, i don't hate the Mechanic, and i'm not obsessed with it either, but what i hate about the mechanic, was the way Konami decided to introduce it, shove it down into your throat, yeah, something like this meme
- This is literally what Konami did in a nutshell, and i know people will say "no, it was needed", "no it's not forced, it's just you salty", and all of that dellusional dumb charade....Think of it, You can Use Fusion, but you decide not to, You can Use Synchro, but you decide not to, You can Use Xyz, but you decide not to, You can Use Pendulum, but you decide not to, however, you do have to use Links, epscially in decks that used to spam tons of stuff from the Extra Deck in Master Rules 3, or decks that need more than monster from the extra Deck, it might be needed to slow the pace of the game, however, they could have made the link markers matter, and for those who wish not to play use links could use their decks normally, right now, you either use Links to spam monsters, use non-extra deck builds, or 1 bossed deck, like y'know, Zoodiaccccccccc!
That's all guys, hope you like this article, and if you disagree with these, post it in the comments box down below, thanks for reading, and have a nice day.