
Sunday, 16 July 2017

Antics Rant: Pendulums in New Master Rules"Link Rules".

Warning: Most of points in this article are subjective, and bound to be debated in the comments below, please stay as civilized as possible.
Oh boy, some post this is....After 3 Years, when Pendulums made their way to invade our Yu-Gi-Oh! Life, to, you know, "Break The god damn game". Now Links are chewing our brain cells to make things around it since New Master rules came out, HOWEVER, some Decks that are Extra Deck cards/Cards that rely on Extra Decks have been "Nerfed". But that's not the reason i'm making this god damn post, i'm making this post because of the blown out proportions of Pendulums and reduced "Hand-Only cards"......After thinking, i have a bad feeling about it, but fuck it, if i don't vent it now, i'll never ever vent it again, God, here comes the real pain...

What Happened to Pendulums?

You wanna know what happened to Pendulums during this era? Well, their scales are moved to the Regular Spell/Trap Zone (which is unecessary) , the worst part is, the amount of monsters You would Pendulum Summon from your Extra Deck has been reduced for the best average number 3 if you have few Links, or just 1 if you're not using Links or whatsoever, which honestly smacks most of Pendulum decks that are so reliant on Extra Deck to spam, such as Igknights, and for the fact that Rescue Hamster is so damn useless because  KONAMI Tried to balance something they didn't account for when this format came out. The sad part that you either do setups or do a dumb move and spam your hand just for the sake of it and miss your chance to play properly....

What's wrong with Pendulum Summoning from hand?

Nothing, except it's getting cliché as the time flies, LITERALLY, mostly to shut people down, Every Yugituber says the same exact thing such as "You still can pendulum summon from your hand, y'know" mainstream statement that got me sick and motivated me even more to make this god damn post you are reading... This statement even reduces Pendulums to 1 StereoType, which isn't right, even when you're trying to prove someone that Pendulums aren't actually dead, but some decks are dead:
  1. Not all decks are /have the same playstyle, if Dinomist, Peroformapal or  Magician got a stale gamestyle, decks like igknights do really have a different playstyle, or so does any other Pendulum like it.
  2. Well, you can't always draw constant 7 Pendulum cards in your hand all of the times out of the blue. (even with searches).
  3. Some Pendulum Decks need Extra Deck interaction for an intial Setup.


That's just it.

Saturday, 15 July 2017

Why does Gale Dogra Suck?

Warning: Most of points in this article are subjective, and bound to be debated in the comments below, please stay as civilized as possible.

Level of Creep:
We're talking about one of the most underrated card in the game, it was initially introduced to OCG in Booster 6 in 1999-12-01, and reprinted in Tournament Pack 2007 Vol.4 in 2008-01-01, then introduced to the TCG in Absolute Powerforce in 2010-02-12. The concept behind this card is to Mill your Extra Deck for 3000 LP, such costs do not matter in nowadays metagames anymore. The effect reads the following:You can pay 3000 Life Points to send 1 monster from your Extra Deck to the Graveyard. This card has the most overpowered effect, and almost the only card that acts like Foolish burial for Extra Deck.

Why is this card unused?

Mostly because people are rather unwilling to pay LP costs, it's understandable that the fact that LP costs mattered when this card was released, but in nowadays' meta, there are ways to compestate the loss of your paid LP to use its effect, Ritual monsters can take advantage of this card easily by sending Herald of Arc Light to the Graveyard, another issue is for the fact that games can be easily ended by your opponent by attaking it using Number S39 Utopia the Lightning, as its ATK is only 650.

Possible counters.

To use this card to the Maximum, Set up the Temple of Kings engine, use DNA Surgery, and declare Psychic, this becomes Psychic-Type, then equip it with Telekinetic Charging Cell to make this effect entirely free, and dump as many monsters from your Extra Deck for Free! Another way to get around the 3000 LP Cost, which is setting up an OTK Turn if you fulfill all the needed conditions, dump two Hearld of Arc Lights, then Ritual Summon any Ritual Monster that has major advantage and potential to cause OTK, and swing for the game.


This card can be broken, if you want it to be.

Friday, 14 July 2017

Fairy Tales of NAS (Rant post)

Warning: Most of points in this article are subjective, and bound to be debated in the comments below, please stay as civilized as possible.

Once upon a time, there was a company called "Nihon Ad System", they used to be good people, they stroke Dueling network, YGOPRO games, and bunch of Yugitubers for the clause of "Why not? We own the damn franchise, we can"

Dear Nihon Ad Systems....

Why the hell are you even doing this NAS? why do you want the fandom to die? Yu-Gi-Oh! is only famous because of the fandom, that's right, the fandom who loved the franchise for generations, they contributed a lot so you can keep up the good work, and this is all you reward us? Killing our contributions like squashing insect with your damn shiny shoes?
How long will you ever keep continuing this fandom Genocide just because they use content for fair use? For the record:
In its most general sense, a fair use is any copying of copyrighted material done for a limited and “transformative” purpose, such as to comment upon, criticize, or parody a copyrighted work. Such uses can be done without permission from the copyright owner.
We know you've hit LittleKuriboh's parodies bunch of times, You hit dueling network and enjoying tormenting them (God, if only newbs didn't exist, i would play it more), now you're killing streaming sites, and bunch of Yugitubers... Just Why?

We understand that you own all imagery and sounds and all the things you've done for the anime, but let us fans promote your shit by talking good about your animes, the card game itself, we're not profiting or anything, we don't own anything made by you, just let the fandom breath, don't suffocate it with the copyright plastic bag, it's unhealthy for you guys, it makes us hate your franchise even more, Please, NAS, reconsider your options about this, and maybe we can work it out.
Sincerely, Your best friend...